Lindsay Mitrosilis Consulting

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Why LinkedIn is a GREAT Idea...Beyond Leads and Sales

What Gary Vee hasn't told you about LinkedIn...and why he's still right about using it! 

Honestly, when I first started using LinkedIn, it was with one goal in mind: to find more leads and get in front of my ideal clients. That was literally it. Never in a million years did I think it would open the door for so many additional opportunities. 

Guess what? The same is true for you! YES, LinkedIn is an amazing place for high paying leads and finding more clients, but have you thought about the other doors that it could open for you? Check these out: 

  • Podcast interviews
  • Publication features
  • Corporate opportunities 
  • Speaking engagements
  • Full-circle client experiences

These are just as valuable as connecting with your ideal clients and leads directly. These five other approaches on LinkedIn can support you in getting more exposure. What that means to you is that you will continue to grow your pipeline ORGANICALLY. The REAL value is that you'll be SAVING time AND MONEY for your business. Being able to double-down on your efforts for a positive ROI is what you want, isn't it? 

How are you feeling about LinkedIn now that you've just read about the additional ways that it can help you gain visibility? If you want more details or need help with all things LinkedIn-related, I gotchu! Check out all the ways we can work together HERE